Hobart Town (1804) First Settlers Association Inc


Newsletters are distributed regularly to all members. Join the Association and receive the full versions of these newsletters. Some of the information of newsletters is shown below.

September 2024
Photos of Tour of Henry Jones Art Hotel; “Stuff the British Stole: Mathinna’s doll”; Digital History Tasmania; Tour of St David’s Cathedral; The Jam Factory.

June 2024
William Crowther statue; Serendipity and Bicentenaries; Henry James Marsh wharfinger and lighterman; New Town Guided Tour; the Association’s Collection of historical records, books and materials.

March 2024
Cutting the 50th Anniversary cake; Events, Historian’s report; President’s Annual Report for 2023; Talk given by the Very Reverend Richard Humphrey; Tasmanian Medals and Tokens; Treasurer’s Annual Report for 2023; Lore of the Sea; Grittelton Man first to marry in Van Diemen's Land; Photos from the Annual Floral Tribute.

December 2023
Photos from ‘Summerhome’, History of HTFSA Inc., The Tasmanian Pictorial Church Index, Queenborough Cemetery, Henry Hopkins' 'Summerhome', The Early History of the Glenorchy Area, Thomas George Gregson.

September 2023
Deepings Dolls, "Getting to know my Ancestors", History of Channel 6/TVT6, "Youngest Convicts Trod the Crooked and Wide", St Martins’s Anglican and War Memorial Church at Dunalley, Tasmanian Bushrangers’ Legacy in Place Names.

June 2023
Lauderdale Cottage Estate, Vale Warwick Risby, Recording Hobart Sounds, Vale Nevin Hurst, Vale Reg A Watson, Thomas Dewhurst Jennings - Australia's Largest Man, the Hobart Rivulet, New Town Rivulet Restoration Plans.

March 2023
Annual Floral Tribute, President's Annual report, Lauderdale Cottage, Interaction with Aborigines, Crowther Statue, HMS Anson.

December 2022
Final Mariners' Service, Annual Floral Tribute arrangements for Monday 20th February 2023, Bob Richardson's 2005 Knopwood Memorial Lecture, Historian's report, IXL Memorabilia.

September 2022
Collins Court redevelopment, William Crowther statue, following George Augustus Robinson, Hobart Synagogue Digital Archive, Hobart Waterfront History Walk, the Drunken Admiral.

June 2022
President's Report, Crowther Statue: response from HTFSA, Historian’s Report - Wiggins Watches, Canadian Exiles Memorial, Tasmanian Fashion History Project, The Knitting Bushranger, and more ...

March 2022
President's Annual Report. Articles on the Annual Floral Tribute, Thomas Birch’s House, a young descendant inspects an ancestor’s memorial and the late Andrew Peacock.

December 2021
Articles on Constable Peter Winstanley, William Porden Kay, Early Burial Grounds and Cemeteries and the Search for the lost tomb of David Collins.

September 2021
The visit to COMA (Collection Of Medical Artefacts). Articles on Honora Louise Adams, the Soldiers' Memorial Avenue, Pills, Potions and Pandemics, Remembering September 1803 and the Lilian Watson Family History Award.

June 2021
Life Membership for Kath Lonergan, Paradise Lost - Thomas Griffiths Wainwright, Vale - Hugh Richard Walduck, Flash Jim By Kel Richards, the Remarkable Captain James Kelly of Van Diemen's Land, archaeological evacuation on the Menzies Centre, Love, Passion, and Cruelty - George Meredith's love letters to his wife, annual Boer War Commemorative Day, the Story of George Adams, visit to "Poplarville".

March 2021
The Dodges Ferry I Knew, Report on Cleansing the Colony, Risby Ancestors: the Highlights, Annual Floral Tribute.

December 2020
The Otago, Helen Maxine Reddy (1941 – 2020), Precious Memories, Melbourne's missed celebrations, Maria Island Convicts 1825 – 1832.

September 2020
Risby Ancestors, Convict Women and Convict Wives, A Convict's Daughter, Why do I have no wedding photos of my family, Charles Darwin Trail.

June 2020
Audited financial statements, address by President (Gwen Hardstaff), at Floral Tribute, a quirky family link to the office of Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds, Dame Melba's Tasmanian protégée – Lucy Purchas, Vale Barbara Hamilton Arnold.

March 2020
The Dodges Ferry I Knew, Cleansing the Colony, Risby Ancestors: the Highlights, 2021 Annual Floral Tribute, and more ...

December 2020
President's Report, New members, Dates for your Diary, The Otago, Helen Reddy's ancestral links to Tasmania, Precious Memories, Melbourne's Missed Celebrations, Maria Island Convicts.

September 2020
President's Report, Risby ancestors from convict beginnings, A Convict's Daughter, Why do i have no wedding photographs of my family? Library acquisitions, Charles Darwin Trail.

June 2020
President's Annual Report, Dates for your Diary, Floral Tribute address, Mayor's surprise link with history, Dame Nellie Melba's Tasmanian protegee - Lucy Purchas.

September 2019
President's Report, Dates for your Diary, Samuel Wiggins, First Settler, The Lady East on the Mersey River, Presidents Report, Whales in the Derwent - then and now, Wesley Church Museum, Who named Sullivan Cove? William Gangell, First Settler, What's in a name? Cornelian Bay, St. Patrick's Plains and Shannon River, Book Reviews.

June 2019
President's Report, Dates for your Diary, Margaret 'Mary' Farrell (alias) Hackett (Pt 2), Conserving the Monuments of St David's Park, Visit to Lower Marshes, Jericho and Oatlands, English Surnames, Book Reviews.

March 2019
President's Report, Dates for your Diary, Annual Floral Tribute, Thomas Griffiths Wainewright, Margaret 'Mary' Farrell (alias) Hackett (Pt 1), The Purchase of Significant Tasmanian Aboriginal Portraits, Historic Snippets from Tasmania's Past, Book Reviews.

December 2018
President's Report, Learning How to Research Family History, The Convict's Child , The Memorial Cross - Apsley, Works of Art up for Sale, Unveiling Commemorative Seat, Thomas Francis Meagher, Angelsea Barracks, Professor Lucy Frost, rev. Robert knopwood, Maiden's Bridge, New Books, Dates for your Diary, German Australian Conference Report.

September 2018
President's Report, Roses from the Heart, the O'Connors of Connorville, Out and About, the Ancestors of Margaret Lewis, the Pubs of Glenorchy, John Elliott Classics Museum, Concluding the Celebration of the Exodus, News from our Patron, New Members, Dates for your Diary, New books.

June 2018
President's Report, No Privacy in a Prison, The O'Connors of Connorville, Banished Beyond the Seas, Out and About, The Archdiocese of Hobart Archives and Heritage Collection, Financial Statements, German-Australian Genealogy and History Alliance, New Members, Dates for your Diary, New books.

March 2018
President's Annual Report, The Highlight of the Year, At our Annual Floral Tribute, Out and About, The First Day of Hobart Town, St. David's Cathedral, Children on Board, New Books, New Members.

December 2017
President's Report, A New Town for New Settlers, Something beginning with 'S', Treasure Trove in 28 boxes, William Bligh visits Hobart Town, Footsteps towards Freedom, Hobart's Carols by Candlelight, Book Launch , New Books.

September 2017
Contents include: President's Report, Tasmania's Strong Connections to the novel 'Oliver Twist', Contact and Conflict on the Eastern Shore, Out and About, Re-jigging Australia's History, Mrs Fenton's Journey, The Exodus from Norfolk Island, New Books, New Members, Dates for your Diary.

June 2017
Contents include: President's Report, Benefits upon Joining, The Founding of St David's Church, The First Sermon in Victoria, Out and About, Kempton Coaches, Hobart Town was a Mess, Other News, New Books, New Members, Dates for your Diary.

March 2017
Contents include: President's Annual Report, A Tribute to our First Settlers and Convicts, The Prettiest Violet, Out and About, Plants, Insects and Fish, Financial Statements, Pandemonium at the Tench, Vale: Dorothy Houghton, New books, Other news, New members, Dates for your Diary.

December 2016
Contents include: President's Report; Captain Haig's Unaffordable Home; The Necessity of a Burial Ground; The Answer to Several Problems; Out and about; Dr Crowther gives it all away; Eternal Father, Strong to Save; Hobart Town Hall 1866- 2016; Vale: Lois Emily King; Our stuff now have a safe home!; New books; New members; Dates for your diary.

September 2016
Contents include: President's Report; On the Street of Hobart - The History Behind Our Streets; The Church on a Hill - Aspired to be a Beacon; Exposed on Friendly Beaches - The Shipwreck of the Viola in 1857; The Chocolate Shop - For the Sweet-Tooths of Battery Point; The Bellettes of Sorell; Researching German Immigration in the 19th Century; New Books; New Members; Dates for your Diary.

June 2016
Contents include: President's Report; Blessing of the bonnets; Out and About; Mrs Johnson and the Wallpaper; A Short Cut to Franklin; Polar Pathways; German Immigration to Tasmania; New Books; New Members; Dates for your Diary.

March 2016
Contents include: Remembering the Founders of Hobart Town; Corruption and Skullduggery; Out and About; Arthur Phillip Turned in his Grave; Financial Statements; REV. Bruce Mitchell's address at the Floral Tribute; New books; New members; Dates for your Diary.

December 2015
Contents include: President's Report; Colonial Artists and Landscape Art; A Legacy in Stone; A Bleak Day for Christmas; Christmas Day in Hobart in 1819; A Small Man with a Big Voice; Walking with William Cuffay; the Carlton; New Books; Dates for your Diary; New Members.

September 2015
Contents include: President's Report; A Settlement with Secrets; The Wreck of the HMS Sirius; A School with Buried Secrets; Behind the Scenes; New Books and more.

June 2015
Contents include: President's Report; Convicts with a hint of lavender; Cascades Probation Station; Early Wallpapers in Hobart; High Peak a Family’s Summer Chalet; a Town on Fat Doe River; Catherine May Roberts – the Lady with the Flag; and more.

March 2015
Contents include: President's Report; Blinkling Pyramid; Thomas Wiggins, Fruit, Shoes and Violins; Roses from the Heart; convict Joseph Ward; and more.

December 2014
Contents include: President's Report; Forty Years On; News from our Patron; Colonial Coinage and Notes; in Van Diemen's Land; "Out & About" photos; Underneath Bank Arcade; Memorabilia and Collectables; the Giant Chilcott of Cornwall; New Tasmanian Names Index; new books; looking after your documents.

September 2014
Contents include: President's Report; the Bicentenary of the Death of Arthur Phillip ; Shortcut to Franklin; "Out & About" photos; Where is Hobart's Oldest Tree? Children of the Voyages; the Two Young Williams; the Unveiling of Matthew Flinders' Statue; new books.

June 2014
Contents include: President's Report; news from the Patron; Digging up Salamanca Quarry; Historic Lighthouses in Southern Tasmania; "Out & About" photos; Death of Matthew Flinders; Soldiers' Memorial Avenue, Hobart; Theodore Thompson Flynn, not just Errol's father; new books.

March 2014
Contents include: Annual Report; annual Floral tribute commemorating 210th Anniversary of Hobart Town in 1804; Visit of The Earl of Buckinghamshire; "Out & About" photos; visit to Inverawe Native Gardens; Rediscovery of A W H Humphrey's existence; new books; Kangaroo Valley Pottery; a tribute - Kathleen Mary (Kate) Carlisle.

December 2013
Contents include: Building of St. Mary's Cathedral; Tribute to Freda Gray OAM; Info on Robert Knopwood's  Sermon 14 April, 1813; Items of Interest & New Books; Joseph Darling (1870-1946); Claremont house visit; Lieut. Governor Thomas Davey; Marvels & Mystery Items at October meeting.

September 2013
Contents include: Lt John Bowen RN; Clash of Two Cultures Sir William Denison and William Smith O'Brien in VDL; Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office; Out and About photos; John Bowen's Mistress Martha (Quinn) Hayes; Tasmanian Farm - Oldest Family Business; Risdon Cove; Inverawe Native Gardens.

June 2013
Contents include: Lady Jane Franklin's Ambitions; Gathering on Norfolk Plains; Female Convict Research Centre; East Coast Excursion; Abandoning Norfolk Island; Government Immigration Office 1852.

March 2013
Contents include: News from the Patron; Eliza Furlonge and Saxon Merino sheep in Tasmania; "Out & About" photos; Claremont House at Lady Clark Avenue; local news; Floral Tribute.

December 2012
Contents include: William & Sarah Vince; Louisa Smith's Memoirs; New Books; Alexander Laing Fiddle Trail; Members 'Show & Tell'; News from Janice Hickey in lreland; Changes to the Constitution; Leonie Mickleborough - Lt. Governor; Sir John Eardley Eardley-Wilmot; Two lmmigrants in VDL: (John Walker & Andrew Counsel); Colonial ltems Fetch High prices at Auction.

September 2012
Contents include: Memorial to Robert Hobart 4th Earl of Buckinghamshire; the Orphan School; a Tale of Ambition and Unrealised Hope: John Montagu and Sir John Franklin; The Hobart Police Museum; Out and About photos; antique auction of colonial and convict items; exhibition of Early Tasmanian Historical Maps and Charts 1811 - 1859; the Tasmanian Laheys - Sheep Stealer to Sheep Farmer; George Loveless and the Tolpuddle Martyrs; the Wiggins of Wiggins Town and their early business enterprises.

June 2012
O'Brien's Bridge Chapel burials; Edward Murphy's Signal & Merchant Ship Flag Charts; Peter Sweetlove policeman and photographer; Dr Jane Tolman on Life and Death in Old Hobart Town; 'Out & About' photos; Visit to Cleburne Homestead & Bowen Monument; Extraordinary antique sale of colonial items; First Fleet Flagship HMS Sirius; the Two Headed syndrome.

March 2012
Contents include: Associate Professor Peter Chapman's talk on Governor Macquarie; Bruny Island Excursion; new books published; John Terry early settler; Annual Floral Tribute; Shene and Stables at Pontville; Brownell -Tasmania’s greatest Departmental Store.

December  2011
Contents include: Tour of 'Markree'; New Books Published; Our Members 'Memories on Paper'; The (Original) Lady Nelson brig; Prof. Pam Sharpe talk 'Royston' Battery Point; Cohen Family Reunion and 'Who was the first white woman to step foot in VDL?' Photos of Governor Macquarie Anniversary Celebrations.

September 2011
Contents include: Strange Old Laundry Practices; Hannah Wilcock's Recipe; Guest Speaker Reports: Hamish Maxwell-Stewart (Founders & Survivors); John Cannon 'From Bootleggers to Snares'; and Colin Thomas 'Scrimshaw'. 'There's a prisoner in the Ceiling'; Antique Auction; Macquarie 2011 Events and Cartoon; The First White Child Born in Van Diemen's Land; New Books Published and James Boyd: Commandant at Port Arthur.

June 2011
Contents include: "An Unlikely Friendship" with Rev Robert Knopwood; Oatlands Bus Trip; "My First Settler" descendants of Sergeant William Gangell; Variety Bay Historic Sites Bruny Island; 19th Century Properties on the Market; New Books Published; Restoration of unique 1847 Organ.

March 2011
Contents include: President's Report; Governor Lachlan Macquarie; Tasmanian Women of Achievement; Re-enactment of the Laying of the Foundation Stone at Lady Franklin Gallery.

December 2010
Contents include: various reports; "Tracing My Family Tree"; Collinsvale Walking Tour; Trip to "Redlands" at Plenty; First Chief Justice of VDL; Thomas Ashton 1818 - 1862; "The Life and Crimes of John Lindon".

September 2010
Contents include: "Ancient Artifacts"; "Roses from the Heart"; Boer War Commemorative Service; Re-Hallowing of St John's Church; Newtown; Saving "Princess Royal" A Family Remembers; William Bligh; Winifred Moloughney's three marriages.

June 2010
Contents include: "Welcome to Country"; Display of the Funeral Parade of Lt Gov David Collins; Tracing early VDL Violin; Convict William Buckley; Years after Lt Gov Collin's death.

March 2010
Contents include: Floral Tribute at the Hunter Street Memorial; Review "1788; the Brutal Truth of the First Fleet"; Face to Face with the Past; Trip to Ross.

December 2009
Contents include: Presentation from the Government; Bowen Lecture Art Competition and Art Exhibition Conference Weekend; St Leonards Primary School; Women Transported; Book Review.

September 2009
Contents include: Lord Hobart's visit to Hobart; "More Ripper Tassie Place Names"; Boer War Commemorative Service; "The McGregors"; Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition.

May 2009
Contents include: Trading Vessels; Events Program; Floral Tribute; Reception for Lord Hobart; Early Hobart; "Founders and Survivors" Project.

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