Hobart Town (1804) First Settlers Association Inc

Association Membership Categories

If one of the following member types suits you then complete the membership application form and send it to the Association, see our Contact page for address details. The annual subscription is $30 and is for the calendar year..

The Hobart Town (1804) First Settlers Association has two membership classes: Brochure

  1. Settler
  2. Associated Person


Settler Members who are able to trace their ancestry back to a person who sailed from Spithead on 24 April 1803 in the Calcutta or the Ocean, who were free or convict, as part of Lt. Governor Collins' expedition, or was a member of Lt. Bowen's party at Risdon Cove, or was present at the foundation on 20 February 1804 of the settlement of Sullivan's Cove, which became the present City of Hobart.

Associated Person

This membership is open to any person, or organisation, not otherwise eligible for membership, who demonstrates an interest in the aims and objectives of this Association.

Membership Application

Applicants for Settler membership are requested to establish their line of descent. A pedigree chart or similar family chart is preferred. Not only does this help to establish the eligibility of the applicant, but assists the Association in recording First and Early Families.

We would welcome your membership of the Hobart Town (1804) First Settlers Association Inc. The completed Application Form can be posted or emailed to:

Hobart Town (1804) First Settlers Association
PO Box 300
Moonah 7009
Tasmania, Australia
or emailed to the

Membership Application Form (Word 16 KB, or PDF version)

Please click here for bank details for payment.

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