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Annual Report for 2015The President's Annual Report for 2015 for the Hobart Town (1804) First Settlers Association Inc It is with pleasure that I present the Annual Report of the Hobart Town (1804) First Settlers Association. This has been a rather special year as we celebrated the 210th Anniversary of the founding of Hobart Town by Lieutenant-Governor David Collins and our ancestors. Yet, we still do not have a statue erected of David Collins, Hobart’s founder. The 40th anniversary of our association was also celebrated this year. Our Patron: Lord Miles Hobart the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Buckinghamshire visited Hobart in January, 2014 following his success at the Boomerang World Cup Real or Royal Tennis Championships in Melbourne. The Lord Mayor hosted a reception for local members and other invited guests. We continue to keep in contact via emails regarding our association and matters of interest and events. Meetings and Membership: Attendances at meetings have remained stable
encouraged by guest speakers with their special subject, mostly illustrated
with slide-show presentations and an average of 27 attendees. The AGM
for 2014 was held on a Saturday in an endeavour to encourage members
who are unable to attend during the day. Unfortunately, this was not
successful and the change of day did not increase numbers due to Saturday
activities. We have about 235 financial members, 100 live interstate
and 6 overseas. Fifteen new members joined during the year. I encourage
you to involve family members (children and grandchildren) to become
members and respect and honour our heritage and ancestors with pride. Annual Floral Tribute: His Excellency, the Governor of Tasmania the Honourable Peter Underwood AC attended and gave an address making reference to our first Lieut. Governor David Collins and his qualities in matters of justice and rights. He suggested that we should renew our efforts to heal any rifts between today’s descendants of the indigenous people and today’s descendants of the first settlers and others who followed. Guest Speakers: In February Noela Foxcroft Historic Lighthouses in Southern Tasmania, March: Member Tony Hope Digging up Salamanca Quarry, April: Tony & Vicki Harrison Theodore Thompson Flynn-Not Just Errol’s Father, May: Member Andy McKinlay A visit to Norfolk Island, June: Leone Scrivener History of the Philip Smith Centre, July: Alan Cato History of Egg Island Canal-Huon River. August: Deb Norris read to us about Children of Convicts, September: Roger McNeice Colonial Coinage, October: John Short History of Bank Arcade. November was our Bring and Show an Old Item of Interest. In December we Sang Christmas Carols accompanied by Mrs. Roslyn Langlois at piano. Outings and Events: In March member Andrea Gerrard conducted an informative walk along a section of Soldiers’ Memorial Avenue-Hobart Domain. In June we visited Government House State Rooms and In October we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of our association with High Tea at Rydges Hotel. Certificates were issued to long standing members. Our No. 1 member Mrs. Janice Hickey who lives in Ireland was awarded Life Membership. Some members attended the 80th Mariners service at St. George’s Church with our First Settlers flag. Newsletters: Our newsletter has continued to be produced on time each
quarter. Many members now receive these via email. In addition, back
issues of some of our newsletters can be found on our website in the
members section. Family History associations and other interested groups
exchange their newsletters with us which are circulated at meetings. Statue of Lieutenant-Governor David Collins: Committee Meetings: Seven were held during the year and I thank the executive especially Stephany Fehre, Kath Lonergan and Mavis Richards and Beverley Richardson. Thank you too, to Margaret Lewis for membership data, Alastair Douglas OAM for website management, and Guy McDougall for compiling the newsletter and overseeing Facebook comments. Thanks are also due to our Auditor David Baulch for his constructive
comments, Public Officer Mike Seabrook, Greta Reason and other kitchen
assistants, particularly Di Vertigan who arrives at meetings with unexpected
tasty treats. Thank you to Janice Daley and others for photography
and to Maree Ring for special newsletter items, particularly on websites. The past six years, as Acting President in 2009 and President since have been a rewarding time for me however, I will not be standing for President in 2015. In conclusion I thank all members for your continued support and suggestions. Our association is in a sound financial position and I wish the incoming committee success in your deliberations and activities during 2015. Warwick Risby |
content © 2019, Hobart Town (1804) First Settlers
Association Inc. |